Another Transitive / Intransitive verb pair that comes up a lot in parenting is 脱ぐ / 脱げる (ぬぐ / ぬげる), meaning to undress. Here are a few examples to illustrate their usage.
Kanji | Kana | English |
シャワー | shower | |
水着 | みずぎ | swimsuit / bathing suit |
何で | なんで | why |
靴下 | くつした | socks |
靴 | くつ | shoes |
玄関 | げんかん | entrance |
彼 | かれ | he |
片方 | かたほう | one of a pair |
As always, note the use of を in the transitive case.
Transitive – 脱ぐ (ぬぐ)
何で靴下を脱ぎましたか? Why did you take off your socks?
水着を脱いでシャワーを浴びて下さい。Please take off your swimsuit and get in the shower.
玄関で靴を脱がなければなりません。 You must take off your shoes at the entrance.
Intransitive – 脱げる (ぬげる)
彼の片方の靴が脱げた。One of his shoes came off